Opening Hours
- 9:30 am – 5:00 pm(Last admission 4:30 pm)
Closed days
- Mondays (open on national holidays, then will be closed on the following days)
Year-end and New Year holidays
Period during change of exhibit General Admission
(Current Exhibitions)Adults University & High School Students Individual 1,800 yen 800 yen Group discount rate (party of 20 or more) 1,600 yen 700 yen - ※
- Please check the information for Current Exhibitions.
- ※
- The following visitors are free of charge:
-Junior-high school students and under
-Holders of Shogaisha Techo (certificates for persons with disabilities), including one attendant
-Residents in Osaka City of 65 years or older (please show ID)
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